Access to ISA
ISA welcomes applications, from national or international groups, for access to any ISA research facility.
Access to ASTRID2
Who can apply?
Anyone interested in carrying out research using one of the beam lines on ASTRID2, either from academia or industry, may apply.
- We offer the use of the experimental facilities free of charge to anyone who wishes to apply, but we will give some priority to users from Aarhus University and other Danish users.
- Some users of the AU-SRCD beam line (circular dichroism) have the option to apply for supported beam time through MOSBRI, an EC funded programme which runs until June 2025. If you are eligible and wish to apply for this, you do not need to submit a proposal through ISA, simply visit and follow the instructions for application there. However, if you wish to have additional beam time (not covered by MOSBRI), then you should submit an ISA proposal.
- We now have additional sources of support for users having beam time on ASTRID2.
- NEPHEWS: A new EU access programme for synchrotron and neutron facilities. Allowing support for access to any of the ASTRID2 beamlines.
To read more about the programme, the eligibility criteria and how to apply read this information about the programme. - NEP: The NFFA Europe Pilot (NEP) will offer access to the Matline and AU-UV beam lines if these are used in combination other types of NEP Installation(s). To read more about the programme, the eligibility criteria and how to apply read this information about the programme.
- NEPHEWS: A new EU access programme for synchrotron and neutron facilities. Allowing support for access to any of the ASTRID2 beamlines.
- All users are requested to submit proposals in order to allow us to plan the user schedule
How to apply?
Every year in the Autumn we make a call for proposals asking potential users to submit an application for time on one of the facilities at ASTRID2. The proposals are peer-reviewed by a panel and you will be informed of the outcome shortly afterwards.
We do not currently have an open call for proposals for beamtime on ASTRID2. However if you would like to come and use one of the beam lines and have not submitted a proposal it may still be possbile, as we reserve some time for new/test experiments. If there is time available (see the schedules) you can contact the appropriate beam line scientist to see if we can fit you in.
For some beam lines and experiments it may be possible for projects to be carried out via sample mail-in or via remote access. If you are interested in doing so, or have not carried out experiments on one of the beam lines before, we recommend that you contact the relevant beamline scientist before submitting a proposal to find out more.
Zheshen Li (Matline) Søren V. Hoffmann (UV, CD) Nyk Jones (UV, CD) Sergio Ioppolo (UV) Jill Miwa/Søren Ulstrup (SGM4) , Henrik B. Pedersen (AMO)
In addition let us urge you to draw the attention of any potential new users to the ASTRID2 synchrotron radiation facility and all the possibilities that ASTRID2 present.
After your beam time
For all users of ASTRID2
For our records all users are requested to fill in and return a User Registration Form, you can download the registration form as a pdf file below.
User registration form.
We ask you to email us with details of any publications (papers, articles, theses etc.) resulting from research carried out on any of the ASTRID or ASTRID2 facilities. Please email the full title and reference of the publication to .
If you have received beam time under one of the EU supported programmes please read the instructions for project leaders on the relevant page linked below and ensure that all requirements related to your support have been satisfied.
- MOSBRI Instructions for Group Leaders of Supported Projects
- NEPHEWS Instructions for Group Leaders of Supported Projects
- NEP Instructions for Group Leaders of Supported Projects
For publications resulting from access supported by one of the EU programmes may we remind you to include the appropriate acknowledgement in the publication.
- Research supported by NEPHEWS (1st January 2024 - 31st December 2026) should include the acknowledgement: This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101131414 (NEPHEWS).
- Research supported by NEP (Mid-2024 to February 2026) should include the acknowledgement: This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101007417, having benefited from the access provided by ASTRID2 in Aarhus, Denmark, within the framework of the NFFA-Europe Pilot Transnational Access Activity, proposal ID#.
- Research carried out on the AU-CD beam line with MOSBRI support should include the acknowledgement: This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101004806 (MOSBRI).
- Research supported by CALIPSOplus (1st July 2017 - 30th June 2021) should include the acknowledgement: "The research leading to this result has been supported by the project CALIPSOplus under the Grant Agreement 730872 from the EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation HORIZON 2020".
- Research supported by CALIPSO (1st June 2012 - 31st May 2015) should include the acknowledgement: "The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Community's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) CALIPSO under grant agreement nº 312284."
- Research supported by i3-ELISA (1st March 2009 - 31st August 2011) should include the acknowledgement: "The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Community's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreement nº 226716"
- Research supported by IA-SFS (1st March 2004 - 28th February 2009) should include an acknowledgement to the: I3 Integrated Activity on Synchrotron and Free Electron Laser Science (IA-SFS),contract number RII3-CT-2004-506008, under the Research Infrastructure Action of the FP6 EC programme Structuring the European Research Area.
Current projects
Project List 2020
Previous projects
Details of previous projects on ASTRID/ASTRD2 can be found in the pdf files below.
Project List 2005/06
Project List 2006/07
Project List 2007/08
Project List 2008/09
Project List 2009/10
Project List 2010/11
Project List 2011/12
Project List 2012/13Project List 2014
Project List 2015
Project List 2016
Project List 2017
Project List 2018
Project List 2019
Last Modified 19 December 2024