EU-Japan Joint Symposium on Plasma Processing

21-22 July, 2003
The Manne Siegbahn Laboratory, University of Stockholm


Organizing Committee

Chair: N.J.Mason Open University, UK

Y.Hatano (Tokyo Institute of Technology and Kyushu University, Japan)
A.Ishitani (IMEC, Belgium) H.Itoh (ASET, Japan)

Advisory Members:
J.P.Booth (Paris, France)
N.Braithwaite (Open University, UK)
L. Christophorou (Athens, Greece)
D. Field (Aarhus, Denmark)
T.Goto (Nagoya University, Japan)
E. Illenberger (Berlin, Germany)
Y.Itikawa (Inst.of Space and Astro.Sci., Japan)
Z.Petrovic (Belgrade, Serbia)
H. Tanaka (Sophia University, Japan)

The semiconductor plasma industry is a multi-billion worldwide industry that underpins much of modern technology and engineering. Current technological imperatives require that a greater understanding of the physical and chemical processes in such plasmas is developed. The European Atomic, Molecular, Optical and Plasma Physics (AMOP) community is active in the study of fundamental processes within low temperature plasmas. However within the EU there is little plasma based industry hence the EU’s academic strengths in plasma technology are perhaps under exploited. In contrast the Japanese semiconductor industry remains a market leader and is seeking to develop technology for the next generation of plasma processing. The Japanese AMOP community has therefore developed its research base in recent years and has collaborated with the industry in the NEDO-ASET project. However there have been only limited opportunities for the EU and Japanese AMOP communities to meet and discuss research in this important area.

 Therefore we wish to develop links between the EU academic (and where appropriate industrial) technological plasmas community and Japanese industry and academic communities. As a first stage we therefore have planned this Symposium to allow researchers of the Japanese and EU semiconductor research community to meet and discuss the establishment of an EU-Japan research programme on the development of the next generation of semiconductor technologies. We believe that the potential for such collaboration is immense and once established will be mutually beneficial.

Travel directions:

The meeting will be held in the Manne Siegbahn laboratory, University of Stockholm, venue of the forthcoming International Conference on Electronic, Atomic and Photonic Collisions (ICPEAC). There is a map on the ICPEAC home page. - Conference site - Maps. There you will find one showing how to find The Manne Siegbahn lab.  The house (red brick building) is only 50-100 meters from the subway station Universitetet so it is very easy to find.

In addition the laboratory website also has instructions.  Go to and click on "Click here to know how to find the laboratory" on the bottom of the page.

Hotel accommodation;

 There is no designated Symposium hotel. Symposium attendees who will participate in ICPEAC conference can book hotels for these on the ICPEAC website – see above extra days at the same rate as the ICPEAC meeting.  However those people who JUST come for the Symposium will not be able to book hotels through the website. You can however mail/FAX their booking to the conference organizer together with their credit card number. If they do that in time the room is for the price in the enclosed sheet. You can of course also mail the hotels directly, but then the price might be different (not necessarily higher!). The ICPEAC person in charge is Ms Ulla Flack can also book hotels on the web directly, one such site is section. It would be useful if you could let me know where you are staying and your arrival and departure dates.

Symposium fee

There is no fee for attending this Symposium. Coffee and tea will be provided. We expect to use the student restaurant on the campus for lunch (open 11-15 in the summer). We may arrange an informal dinner on the Monday evening at a local restaurant.


If you are presenting a talk at this Symposium and have not already done so please send me a short (no more than one A4 page) Abstract of your talk. Presentations may be made by overhead or power-point. If you are using power-point please send me a copy of your presentation by Wednesday, July 16th so we can ensure that it will operate on the laboratory data projector. We are aware that sometimes matching European and Japanese computers causes problems and we will only have limited AV support.  Sending your presentation in advance will hopefully allow us to overcome these problems.  Also if we have your talk on CD you don’t have to bring your laptop!

For further details or enquiries on this Symposium please contact me:

Professor N J Mason
Centre of Molecular and Optical Sciences
Department of Physics and Astronomy
The Open University
Walton Hall
Milton Keynes, MK7 6AA
Tel: +44 (0) 1908 655132     Fax  +44 (0) 1908 654192    