University of Aarhus (UAR)

University of Aarhus (UAR) established in Denmark.

Team Leader: Professor D Field

Department of Physics and Astronomy, 
University of Aarhus,
Ny Munkegade, 
Buliding 520, 
DK 8000 Aarhus C



Lab.Collisions Agrégats Réactivité, Universite Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, France 
Team: Prof. Jean-Pierre Ziesel 

University of Cergy-Pontoise and Observatoire de Paris-Meudon 
Team: Prof. Jean-Louis Lemaire and Dr Francois Dulieu

 Young Researcher(s) employed under EPIC

Dr Nykola Jones
Nationality British; Age at appointment 25; Start date September 2002 End Date August 2004; Employment as Post-doc

Publications Pertaining to the Network

  1. SL Lunt, NC Jones, J-P Ziesel.
    Cold collisions of electrons with Molecules: virtual state scattering in CO2
    Photonic, Electronic and Atomic Collisions XXII ICPEAC Santa Fe, New Mexico, July 18-24 2002. Eds. J.Burgdorfer, J.S.Cohen, S.Datz, C.R.Vane. Rinton Proess. Inc. (pp 263-271).
  2. D Field, NC Jones, J-P Ziesel.
    Very low energy encounters: cold electrons and molecules
    Europhys. News, 2002.
  3. D Field, NC Jones, J-P Ziesel, TA Field.
    Cold collisions of electrons with molecules
    Few Body Systems; 31: 191 197, 2002.
  4. SV Hoffmann, SL Lunt, NC Jones, D Field, J-P Ziesel.
    An undulator based spherical grating monochromator beamline for low energy electron molecule scattering experiments
    Review of Scientific Instrumnets 73; 73: 4157 4163, 2002.
  5. NC Jones, D Field, J-P Ziesel, TA Field.
    Giant Resonances in cold electron scattering by CS2
    Physical Review Letters; 89: 93201 93204, 2002.
  6. D Field, J-P Ziesel, NC Jones, SL Lunt.
    Collisions froides electron-molecule: etats virtuels et resonances
    PAMO 2002, French Physical Society (Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics Division) Symposium, Bourges (2002)
  7. D Field, LB Madsen.
    Time delays in cold elastic scattering
    J. Chem. Phys. 118 (4), p1679 (2003)
  8. JP Ziesel, NC Jones, D Field, and LB Madsen.
    Reaction and Scattering in Cold Electron Collisions
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 90, 083201-1 (2003)