EIPAM Supported Publications
(last updated - 19/07/2010)
- Low energy electron driven reactions in single formic acid molecules (HCOOH) and their homogeneous clusters
Isabel Martin, Tomas Skalicky, Judith Langer, Hassan Abdoul-Carime, Grzegorz Karwasz, Eugen Illenberger (Berlin), Michal Stano, Stefan Matejcik (Bratislava)
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 7, 2212-2216 (2005)
- Low Energy Cross-Sections for Positron Interactions with Cyclic Hydrocarbons
G.P. Karwasz, D. Pliszka, R.S. Brusa and C. Perazzolli
ACTA PHYSICA POLONICA A 107, 666-672 (2005)
- Computing resonance positions, widths, and cross sections via the Feshbach-Fano R-matrix method: Application to potential scattering
P. Kolorenc, V. Brems, and J. Horácek
Phys.Rev.A 72, 012708- (2005)
- Modelling electron induced processes in condensed formic acid: resonant states of (HCOOH)2- at low energies
Franco A. Gianturco, Robert R. Luchese, Judith Langer, Isabel Martin, Michal Stano, Grzegorsz Karwasz, Eugen Illenberger
Eur. Phys. J. D 35, 417-428 (2005)
- Isotope effects in vibrational excitation and dissociative electron attachment of DCl and DBr
J. Horacek, M. Cizek, P. Kolorenc and W. Domcke
Eur. Phys. J. D 35, 225-230 (2005)
- Water VUV electronic state spectroscopy by synchrotron radiation
R. Mota, R. Parafita, A. Giuliani, M.-J. Hubin-Franskin, J.M.C. Lourenço, G. Garcia, S.V. Hoffmann, N.J. Mason, P.A. Ribeiro, M. Raposo and P. Limão-Vieira
Chem. Phys. Lett. 416, 152-159 (2005)
- Single molecule vibrationally mediated chemistry: Towards state-specific strategies for molecular handling
J. I. Pascual
Eur. J. Phys. 35, 327- (2005)
- Positrons — an alternative probe to electron scattering
G P Karwasz
Eur. Phys. J. D 35, 267-278 (2005)
- Computational studies of a hypocycloidal electron monochromator
M Smialek, A Dydycz, B Mielewska, V Feyer and M Zubek
Meas. Sci. Technol. 16, 2275- (2005)
- Electron induced functionalization of Diamond by small organic groups
A. Lafosse, M. Bertin, D. Cáceres, C. Jäggle, P. Swiderek, D. Pliszka
Eur. Phys. J. D 35, 363- (2005)
- Reactions in condensed formic acid (HCOOH) induced by low energy (<20 eV) electrons
T.Sedlacko, R.Balog, A.Lafosse, M.Stano, S.Matejcik, R.Azria
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 7, 1277-1282 (2005)
- Reinvestigation of electron impact vibrational excitation mechanisms of 1H/Si(100)-(2×1) surfaces
A. Lafosse, D. Cáceres, M. Bertin, B.P Marinkovic and R. Azria
Surf. Sci. 578, 102-107 (2005)
- Positron scattering in helium: virtual - positronium resonances
G.P. Karwasz, D. Pliszka, A. Zecca, R.S. Brusa
Nucl. Instr. Meth. B 250, 666- (2005)
- Electron Scattering from Gaseous OCS: comparing measured and computed angular distributions
T. Stoecklin, F.A. Gianturco
Chem. Phys. , (2006)
- Acetic acid electronic state spectroscopy by high-resolution vacuum ultraViolet photo-absorption, electron impact, He(I) photoelectron spectroscopy and ab initio calculations
P. Limão-Vieira, A. Giuliani, J. Delwiche, R. Parafita, R. Mota, D. Duflot, J.-P. Flament, E. Drage, P. Cahillane, N.J. Mason, S.V. Hoffmann, and M.-J. Hubin-Franskin
Chem. Phys. 324, 339-349 (2006)
- Electronic structure of hexafluorobenzene by high resolution vacuum ultraviolet photo-absorption and He(I) photoelectron spectroscopy
C. Motch, A. Giuliani, J. Delwiche, P. Limão-Vieira, N.J. Mason, S.V. Hoffmann, and M.-J. Hubin-Franskin
Chem. Phys. 328, 183-189 (2006)
- VUV photo-absorption spectroscopy of vinyl chloride studied by high resolution synchrotron radiation
P Limão-Vieira, E Vasekova, B N Raja Sekhar, N J Mason and S V Hoffmann
Chem. Phys. 330, 265-274 (2006)
- VUV electronic state spectroscopy of 1,1-difluoroethylene and difluorochloromethane by high resolution synchrotron radiation
P Limão-Vieira, E Vasekova, B N Raja Sekhar, N J Mason and S V Hoffmann
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 8, 4766-4772 (2006)
- VUV photoabsorption in selected C3v alkyl alides and fluoro-alkanes
S Eden, P Limão-Vieira, S V Hoffmann, N J Mason
Chem. Phys. 323, 313-333 (2006)
- Electron interaction cross sections for CF3I, C2F4 and CFx (x =1 - 3) radicals
I Rozum, P Limão-Vieira, S Eden, J Tennyson and N J Mason
J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data 35, 267-284 (2006)
- Vibrational Spectra by Electron Impact: Theoretical Models for Intensities
P Cársky and R Curík
Computational Chemistry: Reviews of Current Trends 10, World Scientific, Singapore- (2006)
- Modelling electron-N2 scattering in the resonant region
S. Telega1 and F. A. Gianturco
Eur J Phys D 38, 495-500 (2006)
- Dissociative electron attachment to furan, tetrahydrofuran, and fructose
P. Sulzer, S. Ptasinska, F. Zappa, B. Mielewska, A. R. Milosavljevic, P. Scheier, T. Märk, I. Bald, S. Gohlke, M. Huels, E. Illenberger
The Journal of Chemical Physics 125(4), 044304-6 (2006)
- Dissociative electron attachment to furan, tetrahydrofuran, and fructose
P. Sulzer, S. Ptasinska, F. Zappa, B. Mielewska, A. R. Milosavljevic, P. Scheier, T. Märk, I. Bald, S. Gohlke, M. Huels, E. Illenberger
Virtual Journal of Biological Physics Research 12(3), (2006)
- Effective quenching of fragment formation in negative ion oligonucleotide matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry through sodium adduct formation
M Stano, H D Flosadottir and O Ingolfsson
Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 20, 3498-3502 (2006)
- Dissociative electron attachment to gas phase valine: A combined experimental and theoretical study
P Papp, J Urban,S Matejcik,M Stano and O Ingolfsson
J. Chem. Phys. 125(20), 204301- (2006)
- Reactions in clusters of trifluoroacetic acid (CF3COOH) triggered by subexcitation electrons
Judith Langer, Isabel Martin, Grzegorsz Karwasz and Eugen Illenberger
Int. J. Mass Spectrom Ion Proc. 249/250, 477-483 (2006)
- Site selective excision of C5 from D-ribose by low energy (0-1eV) electrons: Implications for the molecular mechanism of DNA damage by electrons
Ilko Bald, Janina Kopyra, Eugen Illenberger
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 45, 4851-4855 (2006)
- Dissociative Electron Attachment to Phosphoric Acid Esters: The Direct Mechanism for Single Strand Breaks in DNA
Constanze König, Janina Kopyra, Ilko Bald, and Eugen Illenberger
Phys. Rev. Lett. 97, 018105- (2006)
- Selektive Abspaltung von C5 aus D-Ribose in der gasphase durch niederenergetische elektronen (< 1 eV): Implikationen für den Mechanismus von DNA-Schädigungen
Ilko Bald, Janina Kopyra, Eugen Illenberger
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 118, 4969-4973 (2006)
- Reactions in nanofilms of trifluoroacetic acid (CF3COOH) driven by low energy electrons
Mario Orzol, Tibor Sedlacko, Richard Balog, Judith Langer, Grzegorz P. Karwasz and Eugen Illenberger (Berlin) nne Lafosse, Mathieu Bertand, Alicia Domaracka, Roger Azria
Int. J. Mass Spectrom. 254, 63-69 (2006)
- Electron Scattering on Triatomic Molecules: The Need for Data
Grzegorz P. Karwasz, Tomasz Wróblewski, Roberto S. Brusa, and Eugen Illenberger
Jap. J. Appl. Phys. 45, 8192-8196 (2006)
- On positron scattering on He (and Ar) at low energies
G. P. Karwasz
Eur. Phys. J. D, Atom. Molec. Opt. Phys. 37, 153- (2006)
- Applicability of modified effective-range theory to positron-atom and positron-molecule scattering
Z. Idziaszek and G. Karwasz
Phys. Rev. A 73, 064701- (2006)
- Total cross sections for positron scattering in argon, nitrogen, and hydrogen below 20 eV
G.P. Karwasz, D. Pliszka, R.S. Brusa
Nucl. Instr. Meth. B 247(1), 68-74 (2006)
- Positron scattering on atoms and molecules in the limit of low energy
G. P. Karwasz, R. S. Brusa, D. Pliszka, Z. Idziaszek, H. Nowakowska
Acta Phys. Pol. 110, 605-614 (2006)
- erratum to positron helium resonances
G. P. Karwasz , R. S. Brusa, D. Pliszka
Nucl. Instr. Methods B 251, 520- (2006)
- Proton affinities of simple organic compounds
T. Wróblewski, L. Ziemczonek, K. Szerement, G. P. Karwasz
Czech. J. Phys. B 56, B1110- (2006)
- Rotational excitation of H2O by cold electrons
R Curík,Z P Ziesel, N C Jones,T A Field and D Field
Phys. Rev. Lett 97, 123202- (2006)
- Dissociative electron attachment and vibrational excitation of the chlorine molecule
P. Kolorenc, and J. Horácek
Phys.Rev.A 74, 062703- (2006)
- Differential cross sections for electron impact vibrational excitation of molecular oxygen in the angular range 15?–180?
Ireneusz Linert and Mariusz Zubek
J. Phys. B 39, 4087-4095 (2006)
- Fragmentation of transient water anions following low-energy electron capture by H2O/D2O
J Fedor, P Cicman, B Coupier, S Feil, M Winkler, K Gluch, J Husarik, D Jaksch, B Farizon, N J Mason, P Scheier and T D Mark
J. Phys. B 39, 3935-3944 (2006)
- VUV spectroscopy and photo-processing of astrochemical ices: an experimental study
Nigel J. Mason, Anita Dawes, Philip D. Holtom, Robin J. Mukerji, Michael P. Davis, Bhalamurugan Sivaraman, Ralf I. Kaiser, Søren V. Hoffmann and David A. Shaw
Faraday Discuss. 133, 311-329 (2006)
- Probing Radiation Damage at the Molecular Level
N J Mason, M A Smialek, S A Moore, M Folkard and S V Hoffmann
Proceedings of 23rd SPIG meeting AIP Conference Proceedings 876, 3-14 (2006)
- Spectra of Ions Produced by Corona Discharges
J D Skalny, G Horvath and N J Mason
Proceedings of 23rd SPIG meeting AIP Conference Proceedings 876, 284-293 (2006)
- Electron Induced Chemistry; Chemical Control at the Molecular Level
N J Mason
Proceedings of CDAMOP 2006 2nd International Conference on Current Developments in Atomic, Molecular & Optical Physics Delhi , (2006)
- Reactivity induced at 25 K by low-energy electron irradiation of condensed NH3-CH3COOD (1:1) mixture
A. Lafosse, M. Bertin, A. Domaracka, D. Pliszka, E. Illenberger and R. Azria
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 8, 5564-5568 (2006)
- Diamond surface modification following thermal etching of Si supported hydrogenated Diamond films by DBr
M. Bertin, A. Domaracka, D. Pliszka, A. Lafosse, and R. Azria.
Surf. Sci. 600, 847- (2006)
- Single Molecule Vibrational Spectroscopy and Chemistry. / J.I. Pascual & N. Lorente, in " Properties of single organic molecules on crystal surfaces" edited by Peter Grütter
Werner Hofer & Federico Rosei
(World Scientific) , (2006)
- Absolute angle-differential cross sections for electron-impact excitation of neon atoms from threshold to 19.5 eV
M. Allan, K. Franz, H. Hotop, O. Zatsarinny, and K. Bartschat
J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Physics 39, L139-L144 (2006)
- Inelastic electron tunnelling microscopy and spectroscopy of single molecules by STM in " /Scanning Probe Microscopies Beyond Imaging - Manipulation of Molecules and Nanostructures /", edited by Paolo Samorì.
J.I. Pascual and N. Lorente
(Wiley-VCH) , (2006)
- Differential cross sections for electron impact excitation of the a1?g state of molecular oxygen in the 15°-180° angular range
I Linert, M Zubek
Chem. Phys. Lett. 429, 395- (2006)
- Absolute angle-differential cross sections for excitation of neon atoms by electrons of energy 16.6 – 19.2 eV
M. Allan, K. Franz, H. Hotop, O. Zatsarinny, and K. Bartschat
Photonic, Electronic and Atomic Collisions (Proc. 24th Int. Conf.; P.D.Fainstein, M.A.P.Lima, J.E.Miraglia, E.C.Montenegro, R.D.Rivarola, eds.) World Scientific, Singapore , 261-264 (2006)
- High resolution studies of low-energy electron attachment to SF5Cl: product anions and absolute cross sections
M. Braun, M.-W. Ruf, H. Hotop, P. Cicman, P. Scheier, T. D. Märk, E. Illenberger, R. P. Tuckett, and C. A. Mayhew
Int. J. Mass Spectrom. 252, 234-241 (2006)
- Scattering of electrons from Gas-Phase N2O: Computed and measured cross sections and angular distributions
T. Stoecklin, F.A. Gianturco
Eur. Phys. J. D 40, 369-375 (2006)
- Chemical reactions in clusters of trifluoroacetic acid (CF3COOH) triggered by electrons at sub-excitation energy (<2 eV)
J. Langer, I. Martin, G. Karwasz, E. Illenberger
Int. J. Mass Spectr. 249, 477- (2006)
- Ab initio study of formic acid monomer, dimer and trimer
Ziemczonek, T. Wróblewski, G. P. Karwasz
Optica Applicata 69(4), 587-591 (2006)
- Angular Distributions for Vibrationally Inelastic Nonresonant Scattering of Electrons by Molecules
Petr Carsky, Roman Curik, Barbara Pezler, Josef Michl
J. Phys. Chem. A 111, 12216-12228 (2007)
- Electron Stimulated Desorption of H- ions from condensed acetic acid
M. Bertin, D. Cáceres, A. Lafosse, R.Azria, M.P. Davis, N.J. Mason, R. Balog and E. Illenberger
Chem. Phys. Lett. 433, 292-295 (2007)
- Dissociative electron attachment to HBr: A temperature effect
J. Fedor, M. Cingel, J.D. Skalny, P. Scheier, T.D. Märk, M. Cizek, P. Kolorenc and J. Horacek
Phys. Rev. A 75(2), 022703- (2007)
- Electron-induced reactions in condensed films of acetonitrile and ethane
Imre Ipolyi, Wilfried Michaelisw and Petra Swiderek
PCCP 9(1), 180-191 (2007)
- Fundamental Processes in Radiation Damage of DNA
P Swiderek
Angewandte Chemie-International Edition 45(25), 4056-4059 (2007)
- Low Energy Electron-Induced Reactions in Gas Phase 1,2,3,5-tetra-0-acetyl-ß-D-ribofuranose: A Model System for the Behaviour of Sugar in DNA
Ilko Bald, Janina Kopyra, Iwona Dabkowska, Egill Antonsson and Eugen Illenberger
J. Chem. Phys. 126(7), 074308- (2007)
- Selective Bond Breaking in D-Ribose by Gas-Phase Electron Attachment around 8 eV
Isabella Baccarelli, Franco A. Gianturco, Andrea Grandi, Robert R. Lucchese, Nico. Sanna, Ilko Bald, Janina Kopyra, and Eugen Illenberger
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 129(19), 6269-6277 (2007)
- Bond and Site-Selectivity in Dissociative Electron Attachment to Gas Phase and Condensed Phase Ethanol and Trifluoroethanol
Mario Orzol, Isabel Martin, Jaroslaw Kocisek, Iwona Dabkowska, Judith Langer and Eugen Illenberger
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 9(26), 3424-3431 (2007)
- Energy selective excision of CN- following Electron Attachment to Hexafluoroacetone Azine ((CF3)2C=N-N=C(CF3)2)
Ilko Bald, Iwona Dabkowska, and Eugen Illenberger (Berlin), Oddur Ingólfsson (Reykjavik)
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 9(23), 2983-2990 (2007)
J. Horácek, K. Houfek, and M. Cížek
Phys.Rev. A (2007) accepted for publication , (2007)
- Efficient evaluation of Coulomb integrals in a mixed Gaussian and plane-wave basis
P Cársky
Int. J. Quantum Chem 107, 56-62 (2007)
- Low-Electron Scattering from Gaseous CS2 : angular distributions and effect of exchange forces
T. Stoecklin, F.A. Gianturco
Eur. Phys. J. D 42(1), 85-91 (2007)
- Electron Induced Processing; Applications and Data Needs
N J Mason
Proceedings of ICAMDATA06 Published by AIP press (in press) , (2007)
- Low-energy electrons in interstellar ice systems produce complex biomolecules. Amino acids in space
A. Lafosse, D. Cáceres, M. Bertin, B.P Marinkovic and R. Azria
Chemical Science 4 (2007) C10 and Chemistry world 4(2) (2007) , (2007)
- Vacuum-UV and electron dissociative ionisation studies of SF5Cl
R.Y.L. Chim, P. Cicman, T.D. Märk, C.A. Mayhew, P. Scheier and R.P. Tuckett
Int. J. Mass Spectrom. 261, 208-217 (2007)
- Calculated cross sections for electron elastic and inelastic scattering from DNA and RNA bases
F. Blanco and G. Garcia
Chem. Phys. Lett. 433, 253-258 (2007)
- Motion of electrons in a hypocycloidal monochromator
M Smialek, B Mielewska and M Zubek
Rad. Phys. Chem. 76, 599- (2007)
- Differential cross sections for low energy elastic electron scattering from tetrahydrofuran in the angular range 20-180 deg
M Dampc, A Milosavljevic, I Linert, B P Marinkovic and M Zubek
Phys. Rev. A 75(4), 042710- (2007)
- Fate of reactive intermediates formed in acetaldehyde under exposure to low-energy electrons
P.Swiderek, C.Jäggle, D.Bankmann, E.Burean
J. Phys. Chem. C 111, 303- (2007)
- Positron scattering on benzene and cyclohexane: experiment and modified effective range theory
G. P. Karwasz, R. S. Brusa, Z. Idziaszek, A. Karbowski
Eur. J. Phys. 144, 197- (2007)
- Ab initio and DFT calculations of proton affinities of volatile organic compounds
T. Wróblewski, L. Ziemczonek, A.M. Alhasan, G.P. Karwasz
Eur. J. Phys. 144, 191- (2007)
- Total cross sections for positron scattering on benzene – angular resolution corrections
G. P. Karwasz, A. Karbowski, Z. Idziaszek, R. S. Brusa
Nucl. Instr. and Meth. B 266(3), 471- (2008)
- Vibrationally Inelastic Electron Scattering in a Two-Channel Approximation
Petr Carsky, Roman Curik
J. Phys. B 41, 055203- (2008)
- Vibrational Excitation of Methane by Slow Electrons Revisited: Theoretical andf Experimental Study
Roman Curik, Petr Carsky, Michael Allan
J. Phys. B 41, 115203- (2008)
- Dissociation and fragmentation of furan by electron impact
Dampc M., Zubek M
Int. J. Mass Spectrom. 277, 52-56 (2008)
- Low-lying resonances in electron-argon scattering: measurements at 5 meV resolution and comparison with theory
K. Franz, T. H. Hoffmann, J. Bömmels, A. Gopalan, G. Sauter, W. Meyer, M. Allan, M.-W. Ruf, and H. Hotop
Phys. Rev. A 78, 012712- (2008)
- Highly resolved absolute cross sections for dissociative electron attachment to SF5CF3
K. Graupner, L. M. Graham, T. A. Field, C. A. Mayhew, I. I. Fabrikant, T. M. Miller, M. Braun, M.-W. Ruf, and H. Hotop
Int. J. Mass Spectrom. 277, 113-122 (2008)
- Low-energy electron attachment to chloroform (CHCl3) molecules: a joint experimental and theoretical study
J. Kopyra, I. Szamrej, K. Graupner, L. M. Graham, T. A. Field, P. Sulzer, S. Denifl, T. D. Märk, P. Scheier, I. I. Fabrikant, M. Braun, M.-W. Ruf, and H. Hotop
Int. J. Mass Spectrom. 277, 130-141 (2008)
- Resonance structure in low-energy electron scattering from OCS
T. H. Hoffmann, H. Hotop, and M. Allan
J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 41, 195202- (2008)
- Electron-Induced Reactions in Condensed Acetaldehyde: Identification of Products and Energy-Dependent Cross Sections
Burean E, Swiderek P
J. Phys. Chem. C 112(49), 19456-19464 (2008)
- High-Resolution Vibrational Electron-Energy-Loss Spectroscopy of Gaseous and Solid Glycine
E. Burean, R. Abouaf, A. Lafosse, R. Azria, and P.Swiderek
J. Phys. Chem. C 112(25), 9405-9411 (2008)
- Thermal desorption spectrometry for identification of products formed by electron-induced reactions
E. Burean, I. Ipolyi, T. Hamann, P. Swiderek
Int. J. Mass. Spec. 277(1-3), 215-219 (2008)
- Modified effective range analysis of low energy electron and positron scattering on CO2
Z. Idziaszek, G. P. Karwasz, R. S. Brusa
Journal of Physics, Conference Series 115, 012002- (2008)
- Density Fitting for Derivatives of Coulomb Integrals in Ab Initio Calculations Using Mixed Gaussian and Plane-Wave Basis
Petr Carsky
Int. J. Quantum Chem. 109, 1237-1242 (2009)
- Spontaneous Dipole Alignment in Films of N2O
Richard Balog, P. Cicman, N. C. Jones, and D. Field
Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 073003- (2009)
- Threshold photoelectron spectra of tetrahydrofuran over the energy range 9 eV to 29 eV
Dampc M., Mielewska B., Siggel-King M.R.F., King G.C., Zubek M.
Chem. Phys. 359, 77-81 (2009)
- Differential cross sections for electron elastic scattering and vibrational v=1 excitation in nitrogen in the energy range from 5 to 20 eV measured over angular range of 10-180 deg
Linert I., Zubek M.
J. Phys. B 42, 085203- (2009)
- Absolute angle-differential cross sections for electron-impact excitation of neon within the first 3.5 eV above threshold
M. Allan, K. Franz, H. Hotop, O. Zatsarinny, and K. Bartschat
J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 42, 044009- (2009)
- High resolution studies of electron attachment to molecules
M. Braun, M.-W. Ruf, I. I. Fabrikant, and H. Hotop
Proc. Int. Conf. on Atomic and Molecular Data (ICAMDATA-2008), 27-31 October 2008, Beijing, China, S. Zhu and J. Yan (Eds.), AIP Conf. Proc., 1125, 39-48 (2009)
- Resonance structure in electron-N2 scattering around 11.5 eV: high resolution measurements, ab initio calculations and line shape analyses
T. H. Hoffmann, M. Allan, K. Franz, M.-W. Ruf, H. Hotop, G. Sauter, and W. Meyer
J.Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 42(21), 215202- (2009)
- The Kr (4p5 5s2 2P3/2,1/2) Feshbach resonances revisited
T. H. Hoffmann, H. Hotop, M.-W. Ruf, and M. Allan
J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. (in preparation) , (2009)
- Electron-Induced Reactions of MeCpPtMe3 Investigated by HREELS
Hedhili MN, Bredehoft JH, Swiderek P
J. Phys. Chem. C 113(30), 13282-13286 (2009)
- Sodium Controlled Selective Reactivity of Protonated Deoxy-Oligonucleotides in the Gas Phase
Flosadottir HD, Stano M, Ingolfsson O
J. Am. Soc. Mass. Spectrom. 20(4), 689-696 (2009)
- R-matrix calculation of the 2Ag elastic electron scattering off the Li2 molecule
M. Tarana, B. M. Nestmann, and J. Horácek
Phys. Rev. A 79 012716 (2009)
- Electron attachment and electron ionization of acetic acid clusters embedded in helium nanodroplets
F. Ferreira da Silva, S. Jaksch, G. Martins, H. M. Dang, M. Dampc, S. Denifl, T. D. Märk, P. Limao-Vieira, J. Liu, S. Yang, A. M. Ellis, P. Scheier
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 48(11), 11631-11637 (2009)
- Electron impact ionization of CCl4 and SF6 embedded in superfluid helium droplets
H. Schöbel, M. Dampc, F. Ferreira da Silva, A. Mauracher, F. Zappa, S. Denifl, T. D. Märk, P. Scheier
Int. J. Mass. Spectrom. 280(1-3), 23-31 (2009)
- Low-energy electron attachment to the dichlorodifluoromethane (CCl2F2) molecule
K. Graupner, S. A. Haughey, T. A. Field, C. A. Mayhew, T. H. Hoffmann, O. May, J. Fedor, M. Allan, I. I. Fabrikant, E. Illenberger, M. Braun, M.-W. Ruf, and H. Hotop
J. Phys. Chem. A 114(3), 1474-1484 (2010)
- Electron attachment to 2-nitro-m-xylene
E. Alizadeh, K. Graupner, A. Mauracher, S. Haughey, A. Edtbauer, M. Probst, T. D. Märk, T. A. Field, P. Scheier
Int. J. Mass. Spectrom. 289(2-3), 128-137 (2010)
- New light on the Kr- (4p5 5s2) Feshbach resonances: high resolution electron scattering experiments and B-spline R-matrix calculations
T. H. Hoffmann, M.-W. Ruf, H. Hotop, O. Zatsarinny, K-. Bartschat, and M. Allan
J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 43, 085206 (2010)
This article has received special attention in the “Highlights from European Journals” section of a recent issue
of Europhysics News (EPN 41(3), 16 (2010)
Conference Contributions (only selected list)
- Orszagh, J., Skalny, J.D., Matejcik, S., Mason, N.J., Stoica, A.: Positive and negative corona discharge in flowing carbon dioxide, Book of abstracts of the 22nd Symposium on Plasma Physics and Technology, Praha (Czech. Rep.), 2006, 147-148, ISBN 80-01-03506-9.
- Skalny, J.D.: Mass spectrometric study of negative ions extracted from negative corona discharge fed by humid ozonised air, Book of Abstracts of International Balkan Workshop on Applied Physics, Constanta (Romania), 2006, 100, ISBN 973-614-313-7—978-973-614-314-4.
- Skalny, J.D., Stoica, A., Orszagh, J., Vladoiu, R., Mason, N.J.: Positive and negative corona discharge in flowing carbon dioxide, Book of Abstracts of International Balkan Workshop on Applied Physics, Constanta (Romania), 2006, 122-123, ISBN 973-614-313-7—978-973-614-314-4.
- Orszagh, J., Skalny J. D., Matejcik S., Mason N. J., Stoica A.: Ozone Formation in DC Corona Discharge Fed by Carbon Dioxide in Flowing Regime, Contributed Papers (HAKONE X) (Edit. Saga University), Saga, Japan, Saga University, 2006, 148-151.
- Skalny, J. D., Orszagh, J., Mason, N. J.: The Influence of Water Concentration on the Ozone Production in Corona Discharge Fed by Carbon Dioxide and Water, Contributions 15th Symposium on Atomic and Surface Physics and Related Topics (Edit. Grill, V., Märk, T. D.), Innsbruck, Innsbruck University Press, 2006, 204-206, ISBN 3-901249-82-6.
- Skalny, J. D., Orszagh, J., Matejcik, S., Mason, N. J., Stoica A.: The Positive and Negative Corona Discharges in Flowing Dry and Wet Carbon Dioxide, Book of Abstracts The First Central European Symposium on Plasma Chemistry, Gdansk, Poland, The Centre for Plasma and Laser Engineering, The Szewalski Institute of Fluid Flow Machinery, Polish Academy of Sciences, 2006, 66.
- Skalny, J. D., Orszagh, J., Matejcik, S., Mason, N. J., Stoica A.: The Positive and Negative Corona Discharges in Flowing Dry and Wet Carbon Dioxide, Proceedings The First Central European Symposium on Plasma Chemistry and Workshop on the Plasma-Assisted Combustion and Plasma-After-Treatment of Combustion Flue Gases of Power Industry, Gdansk, Poland, The Centre for Plasma and Laser Engineering, The Szewalski Institute of Fluid Flow Machinery, Polish Academy of Sciences, 2006.
- Skalny, J. D., Orszagh, J., Matejcik, S., Mason, N. J.: Positive and Negative Corona Discharge in Flow-stopped Carbon Dioxide, Contributed papers SPIG 2006 (Edit. Nenad S. Simonovic, Bratislav P. Marinkovic, Ljupco Hadžievski), Belgrade, Serbia, Institute of Physics, 2006, 419-422, ISBN 86-82441-18-7.
- Skalny, J.D.: An experimental study of ions extracted from positive and negative corona discharges in air, Contributed papers SPIG 2006 (Edit. Nenad S. Simonovic, Bratislav P. Marinkovic, Ljupco Hadžievski), Belgrade, Serbia, Institute of Physics, 2006, 271, ISBN 86-82441-18-7.
- Orszagh, J., Skalny, J. D., Matejcik, S., Mason, N. J.: Effect of Ozone On Negative Corona Discharge in Flowing Carbon Dioxide, Book of abstracts 18th Europhysics Conference On the Molecular Physics of Ionised Gases (ESCAMPIG) (ed. Cacciatore, M., De Benedictis, S., Ambrico, P. F., Rutigliano, M.), Lecce, Italy, European Physical Society, 2006, 451-452, ISBN 2-914771-38-X.
- Papp, P., Skalny, J.D., Urban, J., Staemmler, V., Mach, P., Ingolfsson, O., Matejcik, S.: The investigation of the radiation damage possibility on molecules with biological interest, Proceedings of The 13th Symposium on Analytical and Environmental Problems, Szeged (Hungary), 2006, 48-52, ISBN 963-06-1205-4.
- Orszagh J., Skalny J.D., Mason N.J., Chernyak V.: Effect of measurement method of ozone concentration in corona discharge fed by carbon dioxide, Moderní trendy ve fyzice plazmatu a pevných látek II, Edit. A. Brablec, D. Trunec, Masarykova Univerzita 2006, 95-101, ISBN 80-210-4195-1.
- Horvath G., Skalny J.D., Orszagh J., Chernyak V.: Ozone decomposition in contact with stainless steel, brass and aluminium, Moderní trendy ve fyzice plazmatu a pevných látek II, Edit. A. Brablec, D. Trunec, Masarykova Univerzita 2006, 95-101, ISBN 80-210-4195-1.
- Papp P., Skalny J.D., Urban J., Staemmler V., Mach P., Ingolfsson O., Matejcik S.: The theoretical treatment of metastable anions. Investigation of the fragmentation process on L-valine molecule, Moderní trendy ve fyzice plazmatu a pevných látek II, Edit. A. Brablec, D. Trunec, Masarykova Univerzita 2006, 95-101, ISBN 80-210-4195-1.
- Skalný J. D., Országh J., Mason N. J.: Pohyblivost záporne nabitých castíc v zápornom korónovom výboji vo vzduchu, kyslíku a CO2, Zborník seminára Moderné trendy vo fyzike plazmy a tuhých látok, Edit. J. D. Skalný, P. Papp, vydal: Knižnicné a edicné centrum FMFI UK Bratislava 2006, 193-195, ISBN 80-89186-09-2
- Quenching of metastable decay of negatively charged oligonucleotides in MALDI-MS through sodium adduct formation Oddur Ingólfsson, Helga D. Flosasóttir and Michal Stano. Science Institute, University of Iceland. odduring@hi.is (oral presentation)
- Dissociative electron attachement to gas phase valine Oddur Ingólfsson, J. Kocisek, D. Kubala, M. Stano and S. Matejcik. Science Institute, University of Iceland. odduring@hi.is (oral presentation)
- Influence of sodium adducts on metastable decay of short oligonucleotides Michal Stano, Helga Dögg Flosadóttir and Oddur Ingólfsson. Science Institute, University of Iceland. odduring@hi.is (Poster)
- Sodium adduct formation for quantitative quenching of the of w and a-B fragment formation in oligonucleotide MALDI-MS Oddur Ingólfsson, Helga D Flosadottir and Michal Stano University of Iceland, Science Institude, Reykjavik Iceland (Oral Presentation)
- Possible configurations of clusters of H_3 + and H_2 and their energies, Ziemczonek, T. Wróblewski, & G. P. Karwasz,Royal Society Discussion Meeting, "Physics, Chemistry, and Astronomy of H3+ ", Royal Society in London, January 16-17, 2006.
- T. Wróblewski, L. Ziemczonek, K. Szerement, G. P. Karwasz, Proton affinities of simple organic compounds XVII Int.Conf. Plasma Physics, Praga, 17-20/06.2006
- Titanium oxide photoelectrochemical cells – comparison between plasma deposition and spin coating techniques, G. P. Karwasz , M. Adami , A. Miotello,Barbara Koscielska, Ryszard Signerski , 8th Asia-Pacific Conference on Plasma Science and Technology, Cairns, Australia, 2-6.07.2006
- D. Cáceres, M. Bertin, A. Lafosse, A. Domaracka, D. Pliszka, R. Azria Amino acid formation by electron irradiation a 23rd Summer School and International Symposium on the Physics of Ionized Gases, Kopaonik (Serbia and Montenegro), August 28 – September 1, 2006 edited by L. Hadžievski, B.P. Marinkovic, and N.S. Simonovic, American Institute of Physics (2006)
- A. Lafosse, D. Cáceres, M. Bertin, D. Teillet-Billy, A. Hoffman, and R. Azria, Low energy electron impact on hydrogenated polycrystalline diamond and condensed molecules. XXIV International Conference on Photonic, Electronic and Atomic Collisions (ICPEAC), Rosario (Argentine), July 20-26 2005 editors P.D. Fainstein, M.A.P. Lima, J.E. Miraglia, E.C. Montenegro, and R.D. Rivarola, published by World Scientific Publishing Co. (2006)
- M. Allan, K. Franz, H. Hotop, O. Zatsarinny, K. Bartschat Absolute angle-differential cross sections for excitation of neon atoms by electrons of energy 16.6.-19.2 eV Book of Abstracts, 24th Int. Conf. on Electronic, Atomic, and Photonic Collisions ( F. D. Colavecchia, P. D. Fainstein, J. Fiol, M. A. P. Lima, J. E. Miraglia, E. C. Monte negro, R. D. Rivarola (2005)
- M Allan, K. Franz, O. Zatsarinny, K. Bartschat, and H. Hotop, Absolute angle-differential cross sections for electron-impact excitation of neon atoms from threshold to 19.5 eV Book of Abstracts, 38th Conference of the European Group on Atomic Systems (EGAS) (A. Sasso, G. Pesce, and G. Ruisciano, eds.), p. 195, Ischia, Italy (2006)