
 The meeting will take place in the Physics Auditorium on the 3rd Floor at the Department of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Aarhus, Denmark.
Click here to see a map showing the location of the Department.

Saturday 14th February

12:30 Welcome. Lunch will be provided
13:45 Discussion of the “Action Statement for WG1”. A draft will already have been distributed beforehand.
14:30 Paul Scheier (University of Innsbruck)
“Low energy interactions of electrons with biomolecules”
15:15 Alexandre Giuliani and Marie-Jeanne Hubin-Franskin (University of Liège)
“Electron induced vibrational and electronic excitations of model systems for biomolecules”
16:00 Tea
16:30 David Field (University of Aarhus)
“Cold electrons and molecules”
17:15 Gustavo Garcia (University of Madrid):
“Intermediate and high energy collisions of electrons with biomolecules”
18:00 Finish for the day
20:00 Meet for dinner

Sunday 15th February
9:45 Paulo Limao-Vieira (University of Lisbon):
“Electron transfer processes in biomolecules through atom collisions”
10:30 Marian Wolszczak (University of Lodz):
“Electron transfer reaction in biomolecules induced by light and ionizing radiation”
11:15 Nigel Mason (Open University):
“Electrons and radiation damage”
12:00 Melvyn Folkard (Gray Cancer Institute):
“The interaction of DNA with low energy electrons: the quantification of strand breaks”
12:45 Lunch
13:30 Bratislav Marinkovic (University of Belgrade).
“Electron interactions with biomolecules in the gas phase at intermediate electron energy range: (5 - 100 eV): differential cross-sections for electronic excitation.
14:15 Chantal Houee-Levin (Université Paris XI, Orsay)
“Electron and photon induced reactions in proteins”
15:00 General discussion: further input on “Action Statement”
  Departure for airports.