ISA meeting

Week 43, October 26, 1999.

Status of the ring: The changeover to ion operation is going well. The ring and injection beamline are baked and pumped, and today, we will begin injections to check that everything is ok, and to work with the new beam positioning software.

The SGM 3 is working well, as reported last week. Two gratings are still missing, and there was some discussion as to what could be done to speed up delivery.

The EBIS: The filament failed last week, and a new one was mounted. The EBIS has now been baked and is ready again. Today, an electron beam was set up, and it looks even better than before. We may not be able to deliver an injected/extracted beam, bot some of the initial experiments can be made by gas injection directly into the EBIS, which is a well-tested process by now.

Ion Run 2/99: The schedule is available on the www.

26/10 1999 nh+spm