ISA meeting

Week 40, October 5, 1999.

Status of the ring: As usual, the ring has been running well during the past week. Stored currents are typically over 150 mA, with lifetimes often in excess of 40 hours. Some instability in the vertical beam size has been observed. This will be investigated during the coming week. Next week is the last of Electron Run 2/99.

The SGM 3 gratings were etched over the weekend and coated last night. Shipment is planned for today, and we will have them this week which means, that there is a slim chance of seeing beam in the monochromator in this run!

The EBIS: Today, tests with a Li beam will start.

ELISA is running Ba- , and is now being cooled.

The SX-700 monochromator has started a run on samples from Haldor Topsøe.

Ion Run 2/99 will start in week 43. Preparations are done, except for the repair of a Faraday cup in the injection beamline. As soon as we stop running electrons, this will be fixed, and the beamline will be baked.

5/19 1999 nh+spm