ISA meeting

Week 14, March 31, 1998.

Status of the ring: Not much has changed since last weeks report: Currents are still 140 to 150 mA, and the lifetime is still improving slightly. It is now around 30 hours at 140 mA. This is very important to our users, who are very happy with the stable conditions. Actually, due to the lifetime, we will deliver more photons per fill in this run than ever before.
Injections are also going better, and on a good day, we can accumulate 150 mA in less than 15 minutes.
During machine time yesterday, we looked at injection without sextupoles again, and at tune changes with changing undulator gap. In order to maintain the lifetime when the gap changes, it is necessary to change the beam excitation frequency. JSN is now preparing a routine, which will do this automatically.

Staff news: Welcome to Ulrik V. Pedersen, who will be working on the EBIS source.
Karsten T. Nielsen will be returning from CERN in the middle of May, and will be with ISA again until August. Karsten will as before be working on the control system.

The installation of photon part of the onduline is going well, and it should be under vacuum this week. AP has almost finished the cabling for the ion part, and only the fence around the HV terminal is missing before tests with an ion beam can start.

Monochromators: Per Morgen finished last Friday on the SX-700 after a very successful run. On the SCIENTA, the x-ray microscope and the undulator beamline the work is continuing and going well also.

For the coming ion run, which starts in week 19 (Monday, May 4th) all windows in the ring corners will be replaced with new, coated windows, which are better suited for the laser experiments. This means, that the entire ring will be vented, resulting in a poor vacuum in the beginning of the run, and poorer lifetimes at the start of the next electron run.

31/3 1998 NH + SPM