ISA meeting

Week 12, March 17, 1998.

Status of the ring: During machine time yesterday, we concentrated on getting a higher current. We were able to inject about 160 mA, and to increase the injection speed. The lifetime of the beam is still exceptionally good (25-30 hours).

Beam during the Easter vacation: If any users want injections during the Easter vacation from 9th to 13th of April (incl), please let us know soon!

John XXXXX, who now works at the ESRF, has been chosen among 60 applicants to replace Nicolas Aggersbjerg, who left us last week. John will start at ISA on July 1st.

The new DAF-loader will be ready soon, TW reports. The DAF-loader is used for loading DAF-files, which specify parameter changes during acceleration cycles. We will start changing to the new system this summer, in time for the next electron run which starts in week 32/98. Before then, it will be tested on ELISA, and perhaps EBIS. A thorough test is necessary, since we cannot easily return to the old system in case something goes wrong.

The new injector for ELISA is ready except for cabling. This will be done as soon as cabling for the Onduline is completed. A neutral particle detector has been mounted, which will make operation easier, and enable the first experiments to be made.

The X-Ray microscope is still working very well, and is busy with many projects, RM reports.

The EBIS: The small injector, which was used for commissioning ELISA, has been mounted on the EBIS source, and soon we will start to inject a beam into the EBIS. Ulrik Petersen has been hired to work on the EBIS. He will start later this week.

17/3 1998 NH+SPM