ISA meeting

Week 9, Feb. 24, 1998.

Status of the ring: In the past week, currents in the ring have typically been 110-130 mA. Yesterday, the beam was repositioned in the undulator, resulting in a much improved lifetime. At 120 mA, the lifetime is now more than 15 hours, which is very important for the experiments. During the coming injections, we will try to increase the beam current.

The Undulator beamline: The chamber is now under vacuum, and things seem to be going well, DF reports.

The Onduline will be mounted before the last 3-4 weeks of this beamtime.

Nicolas Aggersbjerg has been granted leave for 1 year, starting March 15th. We are sorry he is leaving, but wish him well in his new job. The vacancy will be filled during his absence. ISA has received 70 applications for the position!

The new control system is gradually growing, and controls more and more of ring operations. TW's next, large project is to make the DAF loader. When ready, it will first be tested on ELISA. This will probably take place this spring. A careful test is necessary before installing the system on ASTRID, since moving to the new system is a one-way process.

24/2 1998 NH + SPM