ISA meeting

Week 6, Feb. 3, 1998.

Status of the ring: The ring is ready for electron injection, and the only thing missing is the microtron beam. The water problems in the waveguide has caused some troubles, but it seems to be cured now. Hence the first injection tests will be made this afternoon.

It is proposed to extend the maintenance and machine development sessions on mondays to 8-16, which means that there will be only be beam for users on Mondays starting at 16h00. The reason for this change is that in the previous runs, there has hardly been time for machine developments but only for repairs. We do, however, need time for new developments like study of rf phase-modulation and undulator gap-control by users.

Please remember to hand over your "arbejdspladsvurderinger" this week to your sikkerhedsgruppe, for ISA either Jens Vestergaard or Søren Pape Møller.

Our control-system group requests that open GL screen savers should not be used on the control-system computers, but only simple screen savers not requiring much CPU time.

The undulator is now remote controlled.

A small platform will be built for the DF/SL experimental chamber, but none for unduline, since there is sufficient space after dismantling the test-beamline.