ISA meeting

Week 7, Feb. 11, 1997.

Status of the ring: The first 100-MeV beam was stored Thursday afternoon, and yesterday we reached 140 mA, with a stable vertically (self-)excited beam, i.e. a large vertical emittance. This is the mode, which gives a long lifetime, and it promises well for the future, even with the reduced vertical acceptance made by the undulator chamber. On Monday afternoon, one of the sextupole power supplies failed. It is being repaired. The lifetime of the accelerated beam is still low (5-6 hours), and will be so for some time owing to the vacuum-conditioning of the new undulator chamber. We plan to have a stored beam from Monday onwards, starting Monday afternoon; i.e. injections etc. during Monday morning. Finally, we propose two fixed injections on weekdays, i.e. one starting at 8H30 and one at 16H15. Please comment!

Radiation Safety The short lifetime and the undulator chamber limiting the vertical acceptance of the ring gives a high radiation level close to the undulator chamber. Hence, do not get closer to the undulator chamber than ½ m. This situation is expected to improve as the lifetime improves. In general, if you have to work inside the radiation fence, measure the radiation level first. And as usual, if you are in doubt, ask! Finally, we plan a demonstration of a radiation measurement next week. Time will be decided next Tuesday.

A new priority list for mechanical constructions has been made by ISA, IFA and ACAP. It will be posted in IFA NYHEDER.

DA reports that an ion-pump supply failed last week due to dust! So please check supplies with ventilators. The ring hall has been very dusty recently.