Management Committee Meeting

Seminaris Hotel, Potsdam
20th March 2005

Attending | Agenda | Review of RADAM05
 Future RADAM meetings | WG Reports | STSMs
 New Partners | Any Other Business | Date of Next Meeting


Chair: Prof N J Mason
Dr M C Bacchus
Dr M Begusova
Prof K Bobrowski
Dr M Farizon
Dr D Field
Prof M Folkard
Prof B Galutzov
Prof G Garcia
Dr P Vieira
Dr B Marinkovic
Dr K McGuigan
Prof H Partzke
Dr R Pulkiene
Prof P Scheier
Dr T Schladtholter
Dr M Spotheim Maurizot
Prof N Stolerfoht
Dr B Sulik
Dr. M Wolszczak

Apologies; Dr M J Hubin Franskin; Prof T Maerk; Prof N Vaeck

1. Agenda

The Agenda for the meeting was approved with no additional items for discussion being added.

2. Review of RADAM05

Prof N Stolterfoht reviewed the meeting reporting that 73 people had attended the meeting presenting 28 talks 33 and posters. The finances of the meeting had to be finalised, but were expected to be in budget.

The MC thanked Prof N Stolterfoht for his organisation of the meeting and asked him to convey the MC thanks to all his staff. The style of the meeting (tutorial) was reviewed and there was agreement that the format had worked well and had been to benefit of the RADAM community.

3. Future RADAM Meetings

Dr T Schladtholter representative from the Netherlands and University of Groningen offered to host RADAM06 in early June 2006. This was unanimously approved by the MC. Dr K McGuigan representative from Ireland offered to host RADAM07 this was also approved by the MC. RADAM08 was suggested to be held in one of the Central or East European states. It was agreed that, while being reviewed at future RADAM meetings, the successful development of a RADAM community required an annual meeting and that efforts should be made to continue the series after end of COST Action.

4. WG Reports

WG1 reported it was not planning to hold a meeting in 2005, but many of its members would be attending an EU Framework meeting and ESF Programme conference in Viterbo, Italy in late June and this would present an opportunity for the members to meet and discuss progress. A meeting in Portugal was in preparation for 2006.

WG2 reported that a meeting would be held directly after this RADAMO5 meeting in Berlin and there were suggestions to hold a workshop on electron interactions with water later in 2005.

WG3 was proposing three meetings; Dr K McGuigan a two day workshop in Dublin April 1-2 on the theme of UV radiation and sterilisation.
Prof K Bobrowski presented details of EYIC European Young Investigator Conference at Gniezno, Poland June 7-12. COST Members were encouraged to register as soon as possible,

The COST Action would be an integral part of the 24th Miller conference on Radiation Chemistry to be held at Les Londes, France September 10-15 . Chaired by Dr M Spotheim Maurizot. Registration was required by May.

WG4 had held its first meeting in Brussels in October 2004 and was discussing ideas for 2005-6.

WG5 is planning a meeting as part of the 14th International Symposium on Microdosimetry (MICROS 2005) November 13-18, 2005, Venezia-Italy. A workshop on electron transport in DNA might be arranged after this meeting.

5. STSMs

It was reported that to date over 70 STSMs had been held or approved and were regarded by the MC and RADAM Community as very rewarding. Although there had been problems initially with the processing in the COST office Ms S Beauloye was extremely efficient in organising these visits and Ms B Harker (Secretary to the chair Prof N Mason) was co-operating with her on filing and processing these visits. MC members were asked to remind applicants that a minimum of one month should be allowed between submission and the planed date of the visit to avoid putting undue pressure on the COST office. The Chair thanked the MC for their swift review and approval of visits presented to them. It was recommended that STSMs should continue to be a key feature of the Action.

6. New Partners

Several new countries had joined the Action since it was established in 2003. Requests from other countries would be viewed favourably by the MC and suggestions from Romania and Israel were proposed. The eligibility of Israel was not clear. Switzerland was also suggested and their eligibility should also be checked.

7. Any other business

Members were reminded that the Action’s website was active and news of meetings, publications etc should be sent to the webmaster Dr N Jones in Aarhus Denmark.

Plans for EU Training Networks under the Marie Curie Mobility programme of the Framework VI programme (September 28 2005) were in preparation and should include submissions from Action Members.

The Chair reported he had been interviewed to discuss the success of he COST Activity and future plans now that it was part of the ESF. He stated that he had been suitably encouraging and on behalf of RADAM COST Action P9 strongly supported the ideals of the COST programme.

8. Date of Next Meeting

The MC would meet annually at the RADAM meeting. The next meeting would therefore be held at Groningen in the Netherlands in June 2006. Any other urgent business would be performed by email


Attending | Agenda | Review of RADAM05
 Future RADAM meetings | WG Reports | STSMs
 New Partners | Any Other Business | Date of Next Meeting