ISA meeting

Week 49, December 4, 2001.

Status of the ring: The Li- run ended Friday. A short-lived metastable state was not observed. The injection from the separator into the EBIS and from there through charge exchange cells into ASTRID worked very well. A possibility is to try the same experiment on ELISA, where the possible effect of magnetic fields on the metastable state are eliminated.
This week, we are running CO2+ for the electron cooler group. So far, everything is running well. This group will run until Christmas.
Last week, we had a failure of the polarity switch in the dipole supply. A new switch has been ordered, but until it is installed, switching polarity will be done manually by moving cables in the supply. Since the supply can deliver 1250A, switching polarity is not a simple matter, and demands a lot of the switch we use.

Last week, we has a virus on some of the ISA systems It was easily removed, and has not caused any harm. If you follow the advice given via email by the system supervisor (TW), you will be more or less immune to such attacks, so please update your systems as described in the emails.

05/12 2001 / +