ISA meeting

Week 45, November 6, 2001.

Status of the ring: We have had various problems with our quadrupole supplies during the past weeks, but they seem to be OK now. The RF-system has also been giving us a few problems lately, and we are not sure what the cause of the problem is. This may take time to solve, so we will wait until the shutdown to examine the system closely. Hopefully it will be OK for the next electron run.
We may have to shut down the ring for about half a day on Saturday due to repairs to the IFA water circuit. It is not firmly scheduled yet so please watch our status page for the latest information.
This is the last week of electron operation in SR run 02/2001. The run will end on Monday Nov. 12 at 08:00.

The ASTRID 2002 schedule has been made. It is now final. You can see the schedule on our schedule page

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