ISA meeting

Week 30, July 24, 2001.

Status of the ring: The start of this electron run has gone very well. We now typically have 170 mA of stored current after injection, and lifetimes around 15-20 h, which is very good this early in the run.
This week we will spend more time than usual trimming the machine, so the morning injection may last up to several hours. Please check our status page for announcements. The official start of the run is next Monday, but also this week, beam is available for users during the afternoon and evening.

The beamlines are getting ready for the run. The only major problem is a faulty transformer in the SGM1 vacuum control system. A replacement is being mounted now. The new modulator control for CD measurements on UV1 is ready.

ELISA is now being set up to run O-. Next week, the new electron trap will be tested..

24/7 2001 / +