ISA meeting

Week 26, June 26, 2001.

Status of the ring: In week 24 we were unsuccessful in achieving a much higher current of CO2++ by lower the electron energy in the EBIS. CO2++ were therefore run directly from the separator. However enough current for the experiment, including measurement of the accelerated current for absolute cross section determination, were achieved. In week 25 the ecooler group continued with successful runs of 14N15N++, and 13C16O++ (absolute cross sections).
Presently we are working on storing Xen+, with a goal of achieving as high a n and a high a stored energy as possible. The initial attempts is with Xe15+ of which we have about 100 nA in the pulse form the EBIS. The rigidity of the ring allows us to store Xe15+ at an energy of ~250 MeV.

ELISA is running biomolecules from the electrospray source.

Electron run 2/01: It has been decided to extend the second synchrotron-radiation run in 2001 by two weeks so that the run will be weeks 31-42, both weeks included. See
We hope that injections can start in week 29, and that there will be some light in the afternoons in week 30. The mornings (and possibly some early afternoons) are reserved for machine physics.
NOTE that the heat exchanger will be cleaned Monday 23/7-01 and there will therefore be no beam this day.

26/6 2001