ISA meeting

Week 24, June 12, 2001.

Status of the ring: The laser-cooling run with Mg+ ended last week.
Since, we have been running CO2++ injecting CO2+ from the separator into the EBIS. At present we have less CO2++ from the EBIS than directly from the separator (~25 nA). We will try to lower the electron energy in the EBIS to increase the CO2++ yield.

ELISA is back in operation after having been "stretched" and having the electron trap installed. Test beams have been stored, and next week we start with biomolecules from the electrospray source.

Electron run 2/01: It has been decided to extend the second synchrotron-radiation run in 2001 by two weeks so that the run will be weeks 31-42, both weeks included. See

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