ISA meeting

Week 15, April 10, 2001.

Status of the ring: The ring has been running well during the past week, except for a few unintended beam dumps probably caused by a problem in the RF system. The nature of the problem is still unknown, but some modifications are being prepared for the next run to help us discover what is happening.
The present run will end on Monday April 23 at 08:00, the following week will be used for the changeover to Ion Run 1/01, which will start in week 18, i.e Monday April 30. The schedule for the coming ion run may be seen on .
During the Easter holidays, there will be injections around 10:30 on Thursday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday. There will be no injection on Friday, but whatever beam is left from Thursday will be available. The will be no machine physics next week. The schedule is posted on the www, please see the status page , where any changes to the above information can be found.

On Tuesday April 24 we plan to have an informal meeting, in which results obtained in this SR-run will be presented. There should be one brief (max. 15 min) presentation from each beamline. The purpose is mainly to inform all of us about the many activities at ASTRID. The meeting will take place in 323 on Tuesday April 24 12:30 to 14:00. Everybody is welcome!

We are now planning to publish Newsletter 8 before the summer vacation. It will have contributions from 3-4 experiments, mainly performed on the UV-1 and undulator beamlines.

10/4 2001 / +