ISA meeting

Week 38, September 19, 2000.

Status of the ring: ASTRID is still operating well with initial currents often in excess of 200 mA and lifetimes from 20 hours and up. On Monday a new record of 240 mA of accumulated current was obtained.

The UV-1 beamline had visitors from Daresbury during the weekend to cross check their CD measurements with ours for some "standard" proteins. They were quite pleased with the operation, and now we also have some more reference measurements to show future potential users.

Extension of the electron run: It is proposed to extend the present electron run by two days partly due to the visit by "Folketingets Forskningsudvalg" on October 10'th. This means that the beam will stop on Wednesday October 11'th at 8h00. Serious objections to this change should be send to SPM this week.

Online Web based beamline schedule: As decided in the meeting week 36, the computer group has now made an initial version of an automatic beamline schedule system. This system makes it easy to see which users are presently working on the different beamlines - and for users to mark whether they are using the beam or not. Likewise it is easy for the users to mark a request for a refill (afternoon and weekend mostly). Initially the system will only be used for information, but later it is intended that the operator will judge the need for beam injection from this system (when the users have learned it).

Direct references to the schedule pages:

"" or


Can also be found from the isa www (main menu -> Schedule -> AstridSchedule)

Astrid status pages: The new status pages with beam plots are now in permanent operation. The links on the ISA status page has been changed to the new status pages.


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