ISA meeting

Week 36, September 5, 2000.

Status of the ring: Saturday a relay in the Correction Dipole power control broke and was repaired Monday morning, but apart from this injections are usually good with currents in excess of 180 mA.
Wednesday morning was spent on lifetime investigations together with some of users (beamlines), where different excitations were tried. It was found that a smaller vertical excitation (-12 dBm) and thereby a vertical smaller beam gave more flux at a number of beamlines and it seemed to give a more stable beam at some of the beamlines. The sacrifice is lifetime, which was, reduced a factor of 2 to 2.5 (from 30-35 h to 15-20 h). The only beamline which is displeased with the smaller beam is the XRay microscope, where the sample is no longer uniformly illuminated. It was at the meeting decided that the new mode will be continued at least this week to give ample time to test the long term stability. However when the microscope wants to take pictures, they announce this in good time (normally at least the day before). The whole day will then be with the larger (normal) beam.
The computer group announced that the WEB status has been enriched with new possibilities, among other beamplots. The standard status page coming up default will look very similar to the present one, but there will be made a link to a more advances page, where the user have a better possibility to themselves configure the information's they want. The new "advanced" page is available at

From several sides a wish for a system (WEBbased?) to display information on which users are at different beamlines and whether or not they request the SR light, was raised. The computer group will look into the matter and come with a proposal.

Monochromators: Tests continue at the UV1 and first CD spectra are expected later this week.
SGM I has changed users. Now the group from Odense with Per Morgen is active.

The S.A.L.A. - "Synchrotrons, Accelerators and Laboratory Astrophysics" meeting held at IFA last week was a big success and many new contacts was established.

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