ISA meeting

Week 1, January 4, 2000.

Status of the ring: We are presently running H3O+ for the electron cooler group. The run is going very well.

The EBIS: The modification we made just before Christmas improved the beam current, but not the focal properties of the beam. We will now mount a beam scanner just after the EBIS to try to find out what the problem is.

ELISA is now being set up with Mg, in order to do some laser diagnostics before the new cylindrical bends are mounted.

Electron Run 1/00 will start on January 24, and things are getting ready:

The positron beamline has a problem with the lifetime, which presently is only about 3 seconds. Bad vacuum is believed to be the cause, and JM is working to improve it.

The microtron will be ready later today.

The control system will be upgraded next week, and some administrator accounts will be changed. If you have problems, contact TW or JSN.

The budget for 2000 will be made soon, and SPM will send you an email soon requesting wishes for equipment, travel, guests etc.

4/1 2000 / nh + spm