ISA meeting

Week 25, June 22 1999.

Status of the ring: Last week we ran lifetime studies on several negative molecules for TA et al. The run went very well. This week we started O2++ for LHA et al, using a mixture of 16O and 18O, in order to get a molecule with mass 34, which does not interfere with singly charged oxygen atoms. The beam may be contaminated with OH from 16O, and this is being investigated at the moment.
The present run will go on for two weeks, after which changeover to electrons will start. We will start running electrons in week 30/99, but the beam cannot be expected to be open to users (except perhaps in the evening) until week 31/99 (first week in August).

ELISA is now running Ba-.

The ANKA Booster ring, in which ISA is involved, is being run in at the moment. There is now a stored beam at injection energy, and the next step will be to improve the injection efficiency and try to accelerate the beam. Injection is from a 53 MeV Microtron, and the final energy of the booster is to be 500 MeV. The booster is way ahead of schedule, since it is not planned to be ready until November this year.

22/6 1999 /nh+spm