ISA meeting

Week 16, April 20, 1999.

Status of the ring: The ring is still running well, providing beam to the users almost 24 hours a day. The dipole supply problems we had last week may have gone: A current limit was raised slightly in the supply, which we hope solved the problem. Since this was done last Friday, we have not had any unintentional beam dumps.
This is the last week of electron run 1/99. The run will end on Monday morning, April 26. The changeover to ion run 1/99 will be in weeks 17 and 18, and the run will start on Monday, May 10. The next electron run is scheduled to start in week 31/99 (beginning of August).

Beamlines: No problems are reported, and everything is running well.

The EBIS is still not running. All parts are ready, but there is no time to get the system assembled. This means, that we may have to postpone the planned EBIS run to ion run 2/99, starting in week 42/99.

The separator and ion injection beamline are getting ready for the ion run. They will be under vacuum and ready for bakeout later today, and be ready to run at the end of this week.

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