ISA meeting

Week 15, April 13, 1999.

Status of the ring: The ring has been running well during the past week. Typical stored currents are now 140-150 mA, still with very good lifetimes. During the past week, we have had two unintentional beam dumps, both due to faults in the dipole supplies. We are checking the possible causes.

The group from NBI started running last week. The high septum setting we use in that connection does not disturb the SR users.

Beamlines: No problems are reported, and everything is running well.

Beam dump scheduling was discussed, and it was agreed, that the beam should be left running during the night to be dumped by the operators in the morning, just before the new injection.

The EBIS is still not running. Some parts for fixing the motor generator shaft are not ready yet.

ELISA is currently running C2H2. The plan is to cool the ring later this week.

The Mars seminars by Jens Martin Knudsen will start this afternoon (Tuesday) at 14 in the Physics Auditorium. A tank for the planned Mars simulator has been found in Holland. It is an old 2 MeV Van de Graaf tank, in which Mars atmospheric conditions can be simulated.

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