ISA meeting

Week 11, March 16, 1999.

Status of the ring: The run is still going well. Last weekend, we had some problems with the microtron, but the problems, which were related to emission from the filament, were solved Monday morning. We now have very fast injections.

The x-ray microscope is again running well, after some problems last week.

The EBIS ion source has been connected to the injection beamline and has been baked. This week the filament will be outgassed, after which the source will be ready for operation.

The next ion run has been planned. The schedule will be discussed at a meeting tomorrow (Wednesday) in 525-323 at 10:15. Some of the ions have not been run before, and will be tested on the separator during the next few weeks. The schedule is on the www at this address:

ELISA is still running clusters and fullerenes. There is a good overlap between laser and ion beam.

ASTRID II: A group from 'Grundforskningsfonden' including the chairman visited ASTRID yesterday. They were happy to see what we can do, and were positive regarding our plans for a new ring. A revised layout of ASTRID II has been made, which fits nicely in the new hall.

The ANKA microtron in Karlsruhe, which was designed here, is now fully commissioned. It delivers 15 mA in a 1 microsecond pulse.

16/3 1999 / nh+spm