ISA meeting

Week 8, Feb. 23, 1999.

Status of the ring: The electron run is starting well. Last Friday, we had 184 mA injected in the ring. We still cannot store a very high current, probably due to outgassing in the undulator chamber, but this will gradually improve over the next few weeks. We hope to be up to regular running standard in week 9. Already now, a beam is left running in the ring most of the time, which may be used for aligning, outgassing etc.

All beamlines seem to be in good shape:
SX-700: Alignment is being checked.
SGM I: The new camera system is now in operation, allowing very easy optical alignment. A nice spectrum with high resolution has been recorded.
SGM II: The entrance slit is being aligned, and it is now waiting for the experimental chamber. When it is mounted, the first spectra will be measured.
SGM III: The first light has been on the vertical mirror. A holder design error has been discovered, and is being fixed.
Onduline: Needs ionisation chamber, which is almost ready.
X-ray Microscope: RM and SL has been checking things, and it is ready for operation.

ELISA is almost back in operation after the latest modifications and bakeout. A valve has been mounted which allows overlap with a laser beam, and the vertical aperture has been increased, which should make injection easier.

The new closed-circuit cooling system is now in operation on correction dipoles, sextupoles and injection beamline dipole supplies. It seems to work well, and should put an end to the frequent problems with clogged cooling tubes in the supplies.

The old NORSK DATA control computer and the associated CAMAC systems have now been shut down for good.

The year 2000 tests last week went well, and we should not run into any problems other than perhaps an aching head on Jan. 1st next year.

'Grundforskningsfonden' will visit ISA next Friday. They will be here from 9:30 to 12:00, and hopefully, they will be convinced that ASTRID II is needed !

The 1998 Annual Report from HASYLAB has been published on a CD, which can be borrowed from NH.

23/2 1999 nh+spm