ISA meeting

Week 3, Jan. 19, 1999.

Status of the ring: Last week, we were running HD+ for the electron cooler group. We had some problems running it from the RF-source (sparks in the separator) and ended up running it from a standard Nielsen source. The problems with the RF-source turned out to be the channel in the source, which was replaced Friday, after which we started using it Monday morning for the H2O+ run, again for the electron cooler group. However, Monday evening it again started to give problems, and it seems, that running H2O+ in a RF-source is hard on the channel. This morning, an RF-source with a stainless steel channel (as opposed to the usual Aluminium) was mounted, and we hope it will last for the remainder of the run. Besides these problems, the run is going well.
After this week, the laser cooling people will take over, and use ASTRID the remaining 3 weeks of the current ion run.

The Microtron will be back in operation later this week. The O-rings are now unable to creep out of the groove in the corners of the dipole chamber, and the vacuum looks good.

The ANKA project is proceeding: There is now a 53 MeV, 1µs pulse out of the microtron, which are the design values. Only the pulse amplitude is still too low. We get a few mA, while the design value is 10 mA. This is expected to improve in the coming weeks, as things get better aligned.

Things are ready for Electron Run 1/99: Both the running schedule and the monochromators are ready for the run, which will start in week 9/99.

19/1 1999 /nh