ISA meeting

Week 50, Dec. 8, 1998.

Status of the ring: After curing the separator problem, floating deflection plates in the separator, we started last Wednesday with acceleration of 4He2+ to 6 MeV. This was changed to 4He3He+ on Friday and has been running since then. The next ions for LHA's group will be NO+ or CO++. On Monday we change to H-(D-) acceleration, and electron cooling, for the continued laser-study of the Feshbach resonance (responsible Peter Balling).

The 1999 schedule was discussed again, and it was concluded that we keep it as proposed and posted on the back of the week 45 meeting summary.

There are problems with the tape-drive for our automatic backup-system. A new backup policy is being made, and more news will follow next week.

The hardware necessary for the next electron run will be discussed on our next Tuesday meeting. So please bring an update of your requests to the meeting.