ISA meeting

Week 40, Sept. 29, 1998.

Status of the ring: During machine time yesterday, we again modified the vertical alignment of the beam at injection energy, resulting in an improved injection efficiency, and a return to the 150-160 mA we have seen earlier. In addition, the longitudinal phase modulation was modified, giving us a better lifetime. At max current, we now have a lifetime of about 25 hours rising to 30 at lower currents!

The SGM II is getting ready. Last Friday, the first energy scans were made, revealing the harmonics from the undulator. Now the post focusing mirror and a gas cell will be mounted. This will be used to determine the energy resolution and to align the optical elements.

Both the SX-700 and SGM I are running well.

The Unduline has been tested with an Argon beam, which good results. Beam current and stability both look good.

The new UV monochromator for corner 1 is under way. The workshop will start working on it some time this autumn/winter. The monochromator will be used primarily for photo biology.

The Nordic Ring Meeting to be held here on Oct. 8-9 is open to anyone who is interested. The meeting will deal only with machine related issues, i.e. not with experiments. If you want to participate, you should tell no later than Friday this week. The program may be seen on the www here

In connection with the Science Festival there will be open house the coming weekend. If you want to come for a few hours to show people around, please report to JSN

29/9 1998 NH+SPM