ISA meeting

Week 36, Sept. 1, 1998.

Status of the ring: Things are really improving now: Yesterday, an error in the microtron master oscillator was discovered and fixed, giving a larger and more stable pulse. Later, the vertical position of the injected beam was modified, greatly improving the accumulation. As a result, we now accumulate much faster, and reach higher currents. Both yesterday afternoon and this morning we reached more than 150 mA of accelerated beam. Beam lifetime is good: about 15-20 hours at 120-150 mA.
Last night, one of the sextupole supplies stopped, probably due to high temperature. We have increased the flow of cooling water, and plan to clean the supply during machine time next Monday. In addition, the filters in our cooling water system will be cleaned Monday morning.

SGM I: The low energy mirror has been calibrated, and the system can now reach a desired energy within 0.5 eV. The low energy limit is about 29 eV.

SGM II: A new slit has been mounted and aligned, and it looks better than the old one, ZL reports. The grating and vertical mirror are mounted, but not yet baked.

SX-700: The Copenhagen group is now using the monochromator. They will continue for another 2½ weeks.

The Unduline: The separator is nearly finished, and the last HV-shielding will be mounted today. The analyzer chamber is back, it will be cleaned and mounted next week.

Open House is on Sept. 12/13. There will be tours of the institute every hour from 10-14. All the tours will end at ASTRID, and it will be necessary to have some people volunteer as guides. For the Science Festival on October 3-4, we will again need some tour guides.

The Positron Trap is here. JM and SL went to Mainz last week to collect it. The support for the trap is currently in the workshop, and two people from Mainz are here to help set it up.

The X-ray Microscope is running well, with many active experiments. The microscope really benefits from the improved beam conditions.

REMINDER: ISA Activity Report No. 2. Deadline for contributions is September 14. Contributions should be easy to write, since most of you probably have something written about your experiments already. PLEASE finish your contributions soon. If you have questions, contact ">Niels Hertel

Electron Run 2/98, which is the current run, has been extended two weeks, such that the last week of electron operation will be week 43. The shutdown will be in weeks 44 and 45/98.

1/9 1998 NH + SPM