ISA meeting

Week 40, Sept. 30, 1997.

Status of the ring: We still have stable running conditions with two fills every day (also weekends) with around 150 mA.
The phase-modulation of the rf-frequency definitely has a positive effect on the beam with an increase in lifetime of around 50 %. Hence, the lifetimes are now in excess of 15 hours, and definitely affected by the pressure in the ring, which might improve with time.
The parasitic electron extraction is now operational again, ready for use next week by Jens Jørgen Gårdhøje & Co. from the Bohr institute. The high-current operation of the septum magnet changed the direction of the undulator beam slightly, actually leading to a slight intensity increase.

The assembly of ELISA has started both regarding mechanics and cabling.

The separator injection into the EBIS is almost installed. Although there is a leak in the vacuum seal for the switch, we hope the injection tests can start soon.

The SGM/SCIENTA beamline is now blocked by a malfunctioning curtain inside the target chamber. A repair is being made, in order to have the system working before the end of the beamtime.

The post-focusing mirrors on the undulator beamline are presently being mounted, in order to check their optical performance before the end of the beamtime.

The separator can now be operated from the new control-system console. A mobile pc mounted on a carriage will prepared for maintenance and local control.

Poul Bang Pedersen needs to reserve some space around the ring hall for a high-speed network to be installed in the future. We have suggested a platform at 2 m height in the ASTRID hall, where the old laser laboratory was situated.

30/9 1997 SPM