ISA meeting

Week 33, August 12, 1997.

Status of the ring:Things now look better: TK has solved the RF problems, which seem to be connected to the renovation of the cavity.

We had to reinstall the old kicker last Thursday, since we were unable to get a good injection with the new.

The microtron is still not as stable as could be desired, but we have been able to accelerate about 135 mA to full energy. The lifetime of the beam is about 3 hours. This will go up in the coming weeks as the cavity is being conditioned.

The undulator has had some problems with the encoders, but JSN reports, that is is OK again.

The new control system now knows all the Astrid parameters and control bits. TW asks us to consider page layouts, and to remember to check correspondence between the new and old systems when we start using it.

The 5th ESLS workshop: The 5th annual workshop on European Synchrotron Light Sources will be held at MAX-lab in Lund on September 18-19.

It deals only with machine matters, not experiments. Let SPM know if you would like to participate.

13/8 1997 NH