ISA meeting

Week 27, July 1, 1997.

Status of the ring: The laser cooling run ended Monday morning. It was very successful. The group managed to cool the beam transversely, and achieved a vertical sigma of 160 micrometer on a low-current Mg beam!
This week we are starting to run B2- for the electron cooler group. The start of this run is delayed, because we had to repair both Faraday cups in the injection beamline. It was baked last night, and we hope to have a beam late today or tomorrow morning.
During this bakeout, we again observed a lot of outgassing from the cryo pump. This summer we will give it a long bakeout during our shut down period.

The electron cavity is OK, in the sense that there are no leaks. The leak we reported last week disappeared during the bakeout. This is very good news, since the cavity always has been having the highest pressure in the ring during electron runs.

The EBIS source is again running well. We are able to produce a nice electron beam of sufficient intensity while maintaining a vacuum better than 10-9 torr.

Domain servers: TW has finished the move to the new primary server: ISAPDC. The backup server will be renamed to ISABDC1 in a week or two. The new primary server should be used for printers etc from now on.

1/7 1997 NH